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Mine forskningsudgivelser kan desuden spores på: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3043-4785
Udgivelser på vej
– lærebog til læreruddannelsen:
Matthiesen, C. & Blikstad-Balas, M. (i tryk). Sagtekster i læreruddannelsens danskfag.
Hans Reitzels Forlag.
– opslag til retorikfagligt leksikon:
Matthiesen, C. (under udarbejdelse). Retorisk didaktik. In Kristian Bjørkdal (Ed.). Moderne retorikk: Et skandinavisk fagleksikon. Universitetsforlaget. Oslo.
– lærebog til stx-elever:
Matthiesen, C. & Heller Lützen, P. (udkommet forår 2023). Stærk sagprosa – på tværs af tider og positioner.
Matthiesen, C. (2013). Elevstyret imitatio: En retorisk skrivepædagogik i teori og praksis.
Vejleder: Christian Kock. Medvejleder: Linda Flower (Carnegie Mellon University).
Institut for medier, erkendelse og formidling, afdeling for retorik, Københavns Universitet.
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Medredaktør – peer-reviewed antologier
Roos, K.L. Berge, H. Edgren, P. Hiidenmaa, & Matthiesen, C. (2021).
Exploring Textbooks and Cultural Change in Nordic Education 1536-2020. Brill.
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Matthiesen, C. & Hass, C. (2020). Fagdidaktik og demokrati. Samfundslitteratur.
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Peer-reviewed artikler og kapitler
Matthiesen, C., Bakken, J. & Hogarth, C. (2021). Advancing Citizenship through Language Arts Education: Conceptions of Rhetoric in the Scandinavian National Curricula. Journal of Curriculum Studies.
Matthiesen, C. (2021). The Question of Dialogue in Danish. In M. Roos, K.L. Berge, H. Edgren, P. Hiidenmaa, & Matthiesen, C. (Eds.). Exploring Textbooks and Cultural Change in Nordic Education 1536-2020 (pp. 355-369). Brill.
Matthiesen, C. & Haas, C. (2020). Fagdidaktik og demokrati – forbindelser og muligheder.
In C. Haas & C. Matthiesen (Eds.). Fagdidaktik og demokrati (pp. 9-28). Samfundslitteratur.
Matthiesen, C. (2020). Argumentation i danskfaget og det stærke kairos-begreb. In C. Haas & C. Matthiesen (Eds.). Fagdidaktik og demokrati (pp. 69-90). Samfundslitteratur.
Matthiesen, C. (2020). Aktionsforskning og retorik. In Iversen, S., Bengtsson, M. & Berg, K. (Eds.). Retorik og metode (pp. 237-258). Samfundslitteratur.
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Matthiesen, C. (2020). Båltalen. In Marie Lund (Ed.). Danske taler (pp. 435-449). Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
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Matthiesen, C. & Roer, H., Lund, M. (2020). Taler ved folkefester: Introduktion. In Marie Lund (Ed.). Danske taler (pp. 409-413). Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
Matthiesen, C. (2018). Læringspotentiale i elevstyret imitatio – en undersøgelse af en retorisk skrivepædagogik i praksis. In Lund & H. B. Thingholm (Eds.). Empirisk didaktik – Udfordringer, refleksioner og potentialer i pædagogiske praksisser (pp. 123-138). Dafolo.
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Matthiesen, C. (2017). Sagprosaundervisning og situationens kraft: Hvad kan vi lære af Isokrates’ og en dansklærers tilgange og intentioner? Sakprosa, 9(1), 1-37.
Matthiesen, C. (2017). Sagprosaens placering. In A. Skyggebjerg, J. Bundsgaard, J. Bremholm & S. Fougt (Eds.). Læremidlernes danskfag (pp. 247-272). Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
Find antologien på biblioteket
Matthiesen, C. (2017). Poetic Signs of Third Place: A Case Study of Student-driven Imitation in a Shelter for Young Homeless People in Copenhagen. In S. Parks, B. Bailie, R. Garcia, A. Licona, K. Navickas & D. Blakesley (Eds). The Best of Journals in Rhetoric and Composition 2015-2016 (pp. 61-83). Parlor Press.
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Matthiesen, C. (2016). Student-driven imitation as a means to strengthening rhetorical agency: or, propelling Quintilian’s chapter on imitation into today’s teaching. Advances in the History of Rhetoric, 19(2), 208-224.
Matthiesen, C. (2015). (U)synlig læring og modeltekster – erfaringer med elevstyret imitatio i modersmålundervisning. Rhetorica Scandinavica, 70, 51-73.
Find artiklen via biblioteket
Matthiesen, C. (2014). Poetic Signs of Third Place: A Case Study of Student-driven Imitation in a Shelter for Young Homeless People in Copenhagen. Community Literacy Journal, 9(1), 1-17.
“Baumgarten and the Creative Act: The Obscure and the Body”.
International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Nijmegen, 2022
“The Case of Argumentation: How to Build Respect?”
Teaching Democratic Participation in the Nordics and Beyond (seminar), Södertörn University, 2022
“Teaching Imitation and Argumentation – Caught Between Past Significance and Present Effectiveness”
Days of Ivo Skaric. Fifth International Conference on Rhetoric, Croatia, (cancelled), 2020
“Bringing Isocrates and Laura into Conversation: Citizen Education, Examplars, and a Deweian Framework”
International Society for the History of Rhetoric, New Orleans, 2019
”Researching margins: “Poetic Signs of Third Space – Writing Workshops in a Shelter”
Nordisk Netværk for Modersmålsdidaktisk Forskning, University of Southern Denmark, 2017
“Aesthetic Experience and Rhetorical Education in School”
Den 6. Nordiske konference for retorikforskning, Aarhus University, 2017
“What Publics? What Models? Experiences with the Pedagogy of Student-driven Imitation”
International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Queen Mary, University of London, 2017
“Student-driven Imitation in Language Arts Education”
International Association for Research in L1 Education, University of Tallinn, 2017
“Isocrates, Dewey, and Today’s Teaching: A Teacher’s Reflection on working with textual models of nonfiction”
Pragmatism Today, Aarhus University, 2016
“‘Open School’ and Third-party Experimental Writing Labs – Literacy, Pedagogy, and Infrastructure”
Conference on Community Writing, University of Colorado Boulder, 2015
“Becoming a Rhetor – Student-driven Imitation in Upper Secondary School”
International Association for Research in L1 Education, Univ. of Southern Denmark, 2015
“Expressive Writing – Misunderstandings and Possibilities”
Den 5. Nordiske konference for retorikforskning, Lund University, 2014
“Student-driven imitation: A Rhetorical Writing Pedagogy in Theory and Practice”
Writing Across Borders, Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense, 2014
“Receptiveness as a Mode of Rhetorical Agency – Why and How?”
Rhetoric in Society 4, University of Copenhagen, 2013
“Rhetoric and Action research – Experience, Connection, Potential”
Aktionsforskning – status og udsyn, University of Roskilde, 2012
“Student-driven Imitation and Action Research-oriented Case Studies”
RSA Summer Institute, University of Colorado Boulder, 2011
“Reading as Rhetor – Students-driven Imitation and Rhetorical Agency”
Den 4. Nordiske konference for retorikforskning, Södertörn University, 2010