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Jeg har mange års erfaring som skriver, underviser og forsker foruden som kreativ kommunikationskonsulent. Jeg er først og fremmest optaget af skrivning og den retoriske uddannelsestradition – praktisk og didaktisk, idehistorisk og æstetisk – og arbejder med dette felt fra flere vinkler og i forskellige sammenhænge; formidlende, undersøgende, skabende, alene og sammen med andre.
Cand.mag. i retorik (m. engelsk og pædagogik), ph.d. (KU 2013), universitetspædagogikum (AU 2016).
Ansættelser på universiteter
Lektor i retorik, Københavns Universitet (fra 2018-2023).
Lektor ll (gæstelektor), Universitetet i Oslo (vikariat, august 2017-august 2018).
Adjunkt i danskfagets didaktik, Aarhus Universitet (2014-2018).
Ph.d.-stipendiat i retorik, Københavns Universitet (2010-2013).
Ekstern lektor i retorik, Københavns Universitet (2002-2010).
Ansættelser i øvrigt
Pladask (selvstændig); for DSB, NESA og Den Sociale Kapitalfond mv. (2002-2014).
Valtech; for Arnold Busck, ECCO, Jyske Bank mv. (2000-2002).
NetBureauet; for Danfoss, Kræftens Bekæmpelse, Statens Information mv. (1997-2000).
Dansk redaktør for Sakprosa – Tidsskrift for nordisk sakprosaforskning (2014-2019 ). Fra 2020 medlem af redaktionsrådet.
Medlem af censorkorpset for retorik (2014- ).
Medlem af bestyrelsen for Københavns Åbne Gymnasium (oktober 2016-2022).
– – – – – Den lange version rettet mod et forskerblik – – – – –
Christina Matthiesen: orcid: 0000-0003-3043-4785
Research Interests
Rhetorical education, history of rhetoric, education, aesthetics, writing, genre studies,
textbook studies, curriculum studies, didactics, pedagogy, action research, outreach.
Academic Employment
Associate professor, Dept. of Communication; Rhetoric, University of Copenhagen (2018–2023)
Guest associate professor (20% position, 1 year), Dept. of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies; Rhetoric and Discourse Studies, University of Oslo (2017–2018)
Assistant professor, Dept. of Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies; Danish Subject Didactics, Aarhus University (2014–2018)
PhD fellow, Dept. of Media, Cognition and Communication; Rhetoric, University of Copenhagen (2010–2013)
Continuing lecturer, Dept. of Media, Cognition and Communication; Rhetoric, University of Copenhagen (2002–2010)
PhD in rhetoric, University of Copenhagen (in time, passed without corrections), 2013
Dissertation: Student-driven imitation: A rhetorical writing pedagogy in theory and practice
Supervisor: Christian Kock, University of Copenhagen
Co-supervisor: Linda Flower, Carnegie Mellon University
MA in rhetoric, University of Copenhagen, 1999 (26.8.1999)
BA in rhetoric and pedagogy, University of Copenhagen, 1995 (10.12.1996)
Teaching Experience and Training
I have developed, taught, and examined various courses within the fields of rhetoric, didactics, and education – from rhetorical writing, academic writing, writing pedagogies, rhetorical education and didactics, history of rhetoric and rhetorical criticism to learning theories and aesthetics, literacy studies and didactics, educational research, and research methods.
Teaching practice
Case-oriented activities and feedback in various formats are strong elements of my teaching practice, attuned to student groups, course goals and teaching platforms (Zoom/campus).
Courses and other training
University pedagogy course (adjunktpædagogikum), with special emphasis on supervision and digital teaching tools, Aarhus University, 2016
“Activating and varied online teaching via Zoom”, University of Copenhagen, 2021
“Peer feedback”, University of Copenhagen, 2018
“Good teaching practices in higher education”, University of Copenhagen, 2011
“Feedback and good teaching practises”, Danish University Pedagogy Network, 2008
Observation and peer supervision
Observation, Linda Flower, Carnegie Mellon University, 2 weeks, 2012–2013
Peer supervision as part of Ph.D. programme, University of Copenhagen, 2010–2013
Visiting scholar to study teaching practices, Purdue University, 2 weeks, 2008
Teaching: Rhetoric, University of Copenhagen, 2018–2023
Master’s programme
Rhetorical education and didactics, 15 ECTS, 2018, 2019
Course coordinator, teacher, examiner, 28 x 2 sessions, 15 students
Exam: written portfolio, 25 p. (external censorship)
History of rhetoric, 15 ECTS, 2018, 2019
Course coordinator, teacher, examiner, 28 x 2 sessions, 40 students
Exam, oral examination (external censorship)
Bachelor’s programme
Rhetorical writing, language and style (including grammar), 15 ECTS, 2020, 2021
Course coordinator, teacher, examiner, 28 x 3 sessions, 30 students
Exam: written assignment, 15 p. (internal censorship)
Rhetorical writing, feedback and consultancy, 15 ECTS, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
Course coordinator, teacher, examiner, 28 x 3 sessions, 12-50 students
Exam: written assignment, 15 p. (internal censorship)
Rhetorical writing, feedback and consultancy, 15 ECTS, Open University, 2018
Course coordinator, teacher, examiner, 14 x 3 sessions, 16 students
Exam: written assignment, 15 p. (internal censorship)
Rhetorical criticism, 15 ECTS, 2018
Course coordinator, teacher, examiner, 28 x 2 sessions, 30 students
Exam: written assignment, 15 p. (external censorship)
Bachelor project and academic writing, 15 ECTS, 2019
Course coordinator, teacher, 5 x 3 sessions, 30 students
Exam: written assignment, 15 p. (external censorship)
Teaching: Bachelor’s programme, Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies, Oslo University, 2018
Modern rhetoric and rhetorical criticism, 10 ECTS, 2018
Course coordinator, teacher, examiner, 8 x 3 sessions, 35 students
Exam: written assignment and oral examination (censorship with colleague)
Teaching: Master’s programme, Danish Subject Didactics, Department of Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, Aarhus University, 2014–2017
Literacy and didactics, 10 ECTS, 2014, 2015, 2016
Course coordinator, teacher, examiner, 7 x 3 sessions x 2, 18 students x 2
Exam: synopsis, oral presentation and symposium (censorship with colleague)
Discourse and communication, 15 ECTS, 2015
Course coordinator, teacher, examiner, 8 x 3 sessions, 18 students
Exam: written assignment, 15–20 p. with oral presentation (external censorship)
Aesthetics and learning, 10 ECTS, 2014, 2015, 2016
Teacher, supervisor, examiner, 3 x 3 sessions, 18 students
Exam: written assignment 15–20 p. (external censorship 2014, 2015; internal 2016)
Didactics, 15 ECTS, 2016
Teacher, supervisor, examiner, 7 x 4 sessions, 30 students
Exam: synopsis, oral presentation and symposium (censorship with colleague)
Educational research methods and development, 15 ECTS, 2017
Course coordinator, teacher, 3 x 3 sessions, 25 students
Exam: synopsis, oral presentation and symposium (censorship with colleague)
Research project and academic writing, 10 ECTS, 2014, 2015, 2016
Course coordinator, teacher, supervisor, examiner, 4 x 3 sessions x 2, 16 students x 2
Exam: written assignment, 15–20 p. with oral presentation (external censorship)
Teaching: Rhetoric, University of Copenhagen, 2002–2011 (before ECTS)
Master’s programme
Rhetorical education and didactics, 2008–2012
Course coordinator, teacher, supervisor, examiner, 24 x 3 sessions, 24 students
Exam: written assignment, 25 p. (external censorship)
Writing pedagogy, 2003–2007, 14 x 2 sessions, 4–24 students
Course coordinator, teacher, supervisor, examiner, 24 x 3 sessions, 24 students
Exam: written assignment, 25 p. (external censorship)
Bachelor’s programme
Rhetorical writing, I & II, 2002–2011
Course coordinator, teacher, examiner, 28 x 3 sessions, 35 students
Exam: written assignment, 10 p. (external censorship)
Written rhetoric, Open University, 2008
Course coordinator, teacher, examiner, 14 x 3 sessions, 35 students
Exam: written assignment, 10 p. (external censorship)
Written rhetoric, elective, 2005–2006
Course coordinator, teacher, examiner, 14 x 3 sessions, 20 students
Exam: written assignment, 10 p. (external censorship)
Bachelor project and academic writing, 2004
Course coordinator, teacher, supervisor, examiner, 4 x 2 sessions, 20 students
Exam: written assignment, 25 p. (external censorship)
Description as rhetoric element, 2007, 2008
Course coordinator, teacher, supervisor, examiner, 7 x 2 session, 16 students
Exam: written assignment, 15 p. (external censorship)
Rhetoric, University of Copenhagen, 2018–2023
Thesis projects, 2018–2022
Bachelor projects, 2018–2020
Danish Subject Didactics, Aarhus University, 2014–2017
Thesis projects, 2015–2017
Project module, 2014–2016
Projects related to the course Discourse and communication, 2015
Projects related to the course Aesthetics and learning, 2014–2016
Rhetoric, University of Copenhagen, as continuing lecturer, 2002–2011
Projects related to the course Rhetorical education and didactics, MA, 2008–2011
Projects related to the course Writing and writing pedagogy, MA, 2003–2007
Projects related to practicum, 2008
Bachelor projects, 2002–2010
Experience with developing new courses
Research project and academic writing, 2014
Danish Subject Didactics, master’s programme, Aarhus University
Rhetorical education and didactics, 2008
Rhetoric, master’s programme, University of Copenhagen
Description as rhetoric element, 2007
Rhetoric, bachelor’s programme, University of Copenhagen
Other relevant experience related to teaching
Curriculum development
Rhetoric curriculum, University of Copenhagen, 2002–2013
Danish Subject Didactics, Aarhus University, 2017
Experience as member of censorship committee
– external censor, thesis projects, Aarhus University, 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021
– external censor, Rhetoric and research methods, University of Copenhagen, 2017
– external censor, Rhetorical criticism, University of Copenhagen, 2016
– external censor, Rhetorical education and didactics, University of Copenhagen, 2015
– external censor, Written rhetoric, Aarhus University, 2015
Teaching experience outside academia
Various writing workshops (e.g. DR, DM, KK, KL), 1998–2010
Integration of research and teaching activities
My dissertation springs from my several years of experience as a writing teacher. I have integrated teaching and students’ written assignments in a research project. The students participated as co-researchers by evaluating the research design and results as part of the writing class. Further, I have integrated research and teaching activities in a course on literacy and didactics by involving students in data collection, including interviews.
Assessment and completion rate
Typically, more than 80% of my students complete the course, with results quite above average. Almost all courses are completed by a final written or oral exam. Some courses have been completed by portfolio exams.
Since 2018, I have supervised 18 master thesis students of rhetoric, average assessment 9,2.
From 2014-2018, I have supervised 10 master thesis students of Danish subject didactics, average assessment 10,2.
Electronic evaluation at the end of courses have included questions on students’ awareness of course objectives, possibilities for active participation in class, feedback, engagement with fellow students, all aspects that I prioritize in my teaching.
Administrative merits
Participation in accreditation of programmes
Danish Subject Didactics programme, Aarhus University, 2016
Rhetoric programme, University of Copenhagen, 2013
Participation in institutional committees
Member of the Committee for Programmes (Uddannelsesnævn) of the Department of Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, Aarhus University, 2014–2017
Academic Merits and Activities
Member of the editorial board of the Nordic research journal Sakprosa, 2020–present
Co-editor of the Nordic research journal Sakprosa, 2014–2019
Routledge, 2022
Sakprosa, 2022
Acta Didactica, 2020, 2021
Dansk Noter, 2020
Nordic Studies of Literacy, 2019, 2021
Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2019
Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 2019
Norsklæreren, 2018
Cursiv, 2016
Unge Pædagoger, 2016
Invited Speaker:
Södertörn University, 2019
University of Copenhagen, 2017
Malmö University, 2015
Danish Teachers’ Association (Dansklærerforeningen), 2015
Aarhus University, 2014
Lund University, 2012
Invited Conference Speaker:
Rhetorical Education and the Democratic Mission of School, Örebro University, 2017
Nordic Network on L1 Education, NNMF, SDU, 2017
National conference (Dansk i mange retninger), N. Zahles seminarieskole, 2015
Member of assessment committee, dissertation (dr. philos), University of Bergen, 2022
Member of appointment committee, associate professor (didactic), Aarhus University, 2021
Leader of Nordic seminar on nonfiction in school, University of Copenhagen, 2019
Co-leader of conference on noteworthy nonfiction, University of Copenhagen, 2017
Research projects
Exploring Textbooks and Cultural Change in Nordic Education 1536-2020, 2018-2021
– involving seminar and work with 25 researchers across the Nordic countries, including research on literacy in Sweden before the school act of 1842, on sex education and textbooks’ representation of Sami language and culture, resulting in an anthology (Brill 2021).
Subject didactics and democracy, 2017-2020
– involving seminar and work with 18 researchers in Denmark within the field of subject didactics, from language arts to STEM, resulting in an anthology (Samfundslitteratur 2020).
External Funding
AUFF, Aarhus University Research Fund, publication grant, 2019, DKK75.000
PI/Co-PI, support for the anthology Fagdidaktik og demokrati
NOS-HS workshop grant, 2018–2019, SEK420.000
Co-PI, Nordic nonfiction, four seminars (themes; multimodality, ecology, readers, education)
Carlsbergfondet, conference grant, 2017, DDK27.000
Co-PI, conference on noteworthy nonfiction and text culture in Denmark. Workshops with genre scholars Amy Devitt and Carolyn Miller.
FMKJs rejsestipendium, travel grant, 2013, DKK12.000
Applications not resulting in a grant:
FKK2, research application, 2019, DKK4.100.000
PI, project title: Crucial Argumentation by Citizens in Denmark: Literacy, Agency, and
Public Participation – in an Educational Perspective
FKK2, research application, 2017, DKK4.000.000
Co-PI, project title: Prose We Live By – Canonizing a Tacit Text Culture
International Research Stays (shorter)
University of Oslo, Erasmus, affiliated with professor of nonfiction Johan Tønnesson, 2017
CUNY, affiliated with Professor Ira Shor (student of Paulo Freire), 2016
Carnegie Mellon University, affiliated with Professor Linda Flower, 2012 and 2013
Purdue University, affiliated with Dean of Humanities Professor Irwin Weiser, 2018
Network and Affiliations
Member of the International Society of the History of Rhetoric
Member of the Rhetoric Society of Europe
Member of the Network on Research in Language Arts Didactics (DaDi)
Member of the Assessment Committee of Rhetoric (Cencorkorps for retorik)
Member of the Scandinavian Research Network on Rhetorical Education
Societal Engagement
Board member, upper secondary school, Københavns åbne Gymnasium, 2016–2022
including member of appointment committee, new headmaster, 2021
Co-advisor on creative writing curriculum for upper secondary school in Norway, 2020
Media appearance:
TV2 NEWS (23.6.2020)
Kristeligt Dagblad (10.10.2020)
Klog på sprog om båltalen (24.6.2022)
Moderator of discussion on nonfiction in Denmark, Danish Authors Society (12.4.2018)
External examiner at University of Copenhagen and Aarhus University, since 2013
Member of project on rhetoric and writing in school, Danish Ministry of Education, 2013
Other Relevant Job Experience
Professional writing
Communication consultant (strategy, concept and text), Pladask, 2014
Clients: Den sociale kapitalfond
Communication consultant (strategy, concept and text), Pladask, 2002–2010.
Clients: DSB, NESA, SUN, DR, Det danske filminstitut, DM, Bibliotekarforbundet, KL
Communication consultant (concept and text), Valtech, 2000–2002
Clients: ECCO, Lundbeck, Jyske Bank, Arnold Busck
Communication consultant (concept and text), Netbureauet, 1997–2000
Clients: Danfoss, Kræftens bekæmpelse, Statens Information, TV2
Experience as editor (non-academic)
NB, newsletter, editor, 1998–2000
MS Revy, magazine of NGO Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, assistant editor, 1996–1997
RetorikMagasinet, magazine, co-editor, 1995–1998
Fiction writing
I have written two experimental novels (published in 2011 and 2016), the latter available at 27 libraries in Denmark, and one small collection of poetry (2020). My literary praxis is building upon and twisting elements found in the work of Bertolt Brecht and fluxus artist Joseph Beuys, both artists and thinkers with an experimental educational and societal horizon.
TUSHIPROGRAMMET. 24 digte og 2 øvelser. Poetry, 64 pages. 2020
For meget og for lidt. Novel. 147 pages. 2016
Konsulenten og praktikanten. Novel. 151 pages. 2011
Danish, fluent (native)
Norwegian, proficient/advanced communication skills
Swedish, proficient/advanced communication skills
German, intermediate communication skills
English, proficient/advanced communication skills